首页> 中文期刊> 《湖北农业科学》 >基于价值链的公私合作模式农地整理项目增值分析




目前农地整理项目普遍前期重建设后期轻管理,融资模式单一,政府资金有限,缺乏激励机制,项目管理不全面,项目评价不完善,导致项目效率都比较低下.如何有效地解决政府部门资金短缺和项目效率低下的问题成为当务之急,于是公私合作农地整理项目的模式应运而生.以利益相关者理论和价值链理论为基础,构建了公私合作模式农地整理项目的资金、政策、产品和服务以及技术知识价值链,通过对比传统模式下的农地整理项目分析了公私合作模式农地整理项目价值实现和价值增值过程,并得出保证项目价值增值的几点建议.%The traditional farmland consolidation projects prefered constructing to maintenance, financing mode was single, government funds was limited, they lack of incentive mechanisms, project management was uncomplete, and project evaluation was not perfect, all these led to relatively low efficiency. ? How to effectively solve the problem of government funding shortages and inefficient project had become a matter of urgency, so the model of public-private partnership farmland consolidation projects came into being. Based on the stakeholder theory and the value chain theory, four value chains that publicprivate partnership model in farmland consolidation projects: The funds value chain, the policies value chain, the products and the services value chain and the technology-knowledge value chain were constructed. And by the contrast of the traditional farmland consolidation projects, the process of realizing and adding the value with the public-private partnership model in the farmland consolidation projects was analyzed, and several suggestions to ensure the value of projects were put forward.



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