首页> 中文期刊>华中建筑 >打造有核心竞争力的设计产品——以桂林润鸿水尚小区为例




当前中国的房地产市场同质化竞争严重,开发商为回笼资金,重销售轻品质,追求速战速决,结果往往事与愿违.该文意在强调:量身定做和精工细作,对于房地产开发产品成败至关重要,只有充分重视房地产项目前期的策划调研,进行准确的市场定位和精细化的产品设计,做出有足够市场竞争力的精品楼盘来,才会增强产品的核心竞争力,受到市场的亲睐.桂林润鸿水尚居住小区的规划与建筑设计实例,从规划设计、景观设计及建筑设计角度详细探讨有核心竞争力的产品设计方法,最终打造成有特色的、生态的、宜居的高尚居住小区典范.对于避免地产项目的同质化竞争,塑造精品楼盘,形成项目自身特色的产品设计有一定的借鉴意义.%Homogenous competition in the current real estate market is getting more severe, which can be easily told by witnessing the fact that only the market value of sales is being mainly focused by the developer, rather than the quality, aiming to get the refunds. However,the manner of pursuing the market value in the short term usually leads to a counter-projective result. The main idea of this thesis is to address and emphasize that tailored and refined designs, supported by pre-research and developing plan of the coming projects, accurate market positioning and delicate project design, are crucial to the projects. And only if the projects are well designed that the competition value can be increased, which suggests a more popular and welcomed launch in the market. Standing in the angle of urban planning, landscape design and architectural design, and combining the case of Guilin Runhongshuishang residential community, the thesis deliberately explores to design the core-competitive projects, thus creating a livable model project with characteristics and ecology. Targeting at avoiding the homogenous competition, building the best projects and creating the most tailed designs, the thesis, to some extent, can be a priceless reference.



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