首页> 中文期刊>华中建筑 >中·韩集合住宅户型平面比较研究——以中国沈阳地区和韩国首都圈为例




the purpose of this study is to get current dato trom relafive onaolysis of multi-family housing unit plans between nowadays China and korea. Even though china and kored belongs to common culturec bond in North.east Asia. there are many cifferent kinds of Housing aspect and unit plans. Trough this study we purpose to grosr the charcteristics of current multi-family housing unit plans of both country and make a contnbution to the China multi-family housing Market and design office for understanding the intention of devetoper in korea.The analysis target is constructing and lotting out multi-family housing at Shenyang city in China and Capital region of Korea in 2010. Through this relative analysis. we are possible to know the grode of rank and centrality of each rooms. and search the difference of multi-family housing in shenyang China and Capital region of koreas%通过中国与韩国的集合住宅户型比较及分析得出当前的数据.尽管中国和韩国同样属于东北亚文化圈,但在集合住宅的户型平面上有很多差异.研究抓住当前两国集合住宅户型平面的特点,有利于韩国建筑设计公司进入中国集合住宅市场和中国设计公司了解韩国开发商的意图.该文的研究案例以2010年中国沈阳地区销售的塔式集合住宅与2010年韩国首都圈销售的塔式集合住宅为主.



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