首页> 中文期刊>华中建筑 >朝鲜使臣的北京使行参仪活动与皇家建筑印象:康熙到道光年间




该文本着发掘200多年的历史过程中,在相同模式下,细分各时期中多样变化的两国使行交流艺术及其中所反馈出的环境印象,借助大量重要的朝鲜使臣纪行史料来还原当时清政府对朝鲜使臣的接待情况及了解不同时期使臣活动范围的变化.通过使臣记录关于行仪方面的记载来了解从清初开始,各个时期使臣在皇城活动范围的变化,从而了解在各个时期使臣活动过程中建筑空间的使用状况及其对皇家建筑的印象.还原两国更为准确的交往情况,反映当时北京皇家各建筑设施更为真实的使用情况.%The paper explores the artistic of diplomatic relations and the environmental impression in the same mode during the 200 years of Qing Dynasty and Joseon Dynasty Korea. The reception condition for Korean envoys and the change of activity territory will be represented by quantity of envoys records. Though the recordings concerning the etiquettes activity of diplomatic relations admit the change of activity territory from the earlier period of Qing Dynasty, so it gets the behavior in service of the construction spatial and the impression of the imperial constructions in every period, and represents the accurate condition of diplomatic relations, and also reflects the actual behavior in service state of imperial construction in that period.



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