首页> 中文期刊> 《华中建筑》 >基于通用设计下老年住宅设计探究




该文通过对现今老龄化趋势的分析,提出通用设计的思想为解决养老问题提供新的思路与方法.通过对居住模式的探讨,指出居家养老模式的转变,并进一步分析现今老年住宅发展现状.接着从通用设计的原则与思想入手结合实例,本着“以人为本”的思想,通过对老年住宅户型空间功能的适宜性、可变性和户型兼容性的具体实例分析以及室内空间设计应注意的相关事项的介绍,探讨通用设计在老年住宅户型设计和室内设计中的具体运用.为通用设计在老年住宅设计中提供参考和依据.%This paper analyzes the aging trend,puts forward the idea of universal design to provide new ideas and methods to solve the pension problem,points out that changes in the pattern of the old-age home,and further analysis of today's elderly residential development status.Then it starts with examples from universal design principles and ideas related matters,on the basis of the spirit of "people-oriented" thinking,functions suitability of elderly residential apartment space,specific examples of degeneration and size compatibility analysis.The design of the interior space should be noted by introduction,the concrete application of universal design in the elderly residential units and interior design.This paper provides reference and basis for universal design in older residential design.



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