首页> 中文期刊> 《华中建筑》 >湾区明珠——中山南朗温泉度假城规划与城市设计




Zhongshan Cuiheng New District is an important constituent part of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Greater Bay Area, and Nanlang Hot Spring Resort City is its core ecological touristic destination. Taking the Hot Spring Resort City as a case study, we describe in-depth design strategies and methods on the aspects of urban design, architectural form, regional culture, and natural landscape. We also research on the typologies of wetland ecosystems and river-network landscape in the Pearl River Delta waterfront area, and explore the practices of landscape urbanism, cultural inheritance, and sustainability using ecological wetland, mangrove, river network as the main design elements. The case study integrates nature with the city to form a unified touristic landmark, and it offers an inspiring example to the development of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Greater Bay Area.%中山翠亨新区是港珠澳大湾区的重要组成部分,其中南朗温泉度假城是其生态旅游核心.该文以温泉度假城为例,从城市设计、建筑形式、地域文化、自然景观几方面详述了其设计策略和方法,基于对珠三角滨海湿地生态和河网水系景观的形成和形态特征的分析研究,提炼原生态的湿地、红树林、河网水系为主要设计元素,探索以景观城市主义的理念和方法实现生态修复、文化传承和城市空间可持续发展的完美结合.创造城市和大地景观浑然一体的特色旅游新地标,对于港珠澳湾区的开发建设有一定的借鉴意义.



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