首页> 中文期刊> 《解放军医院管理杂志》 >美军伤情编码向国际疾病损伤编码的转换研究




Three sorters converted U. S. military Patient Condition Codes (PC - CODE) to the International Classification of Diseases Code, and use Kappa test to analyze the consistency. The results showed that there was a moderate degree of consistency between the two coding systems, so we can achieve a certain degree of conversion. PC - CODE; still can be used in the war on - site first aid and emergency treatment in the early stages of treatment, also it can be applied in the army division aid station ladder discretion in some degree. When the wounded was sent to the rear medical institutions to be implemented specialist treatment, we can implement the usual injury classification which according to the ICD to complete the medical records.%3名分类员将美军伤情码向国际疾病代码转化,利用Kappa检验分析其一致性.结果为两种编码系统间有中等程度的一致性,可以实现一定程度的转换.在战现场急救及紧急救治中仍然可以采用PC-CODE;早期治疗阶段,即陆军师救护所阶梯可以酌情采取其中某种编码系统;伤员后送至后方医疗机构实行专科治疗时,可以按照平时军地医院临床所采取的伤情分类措施,按照ICD完成病历.



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