首页> 中文期刊> 《起重运输机械》 >垂直螺旋输送机空转时临界雷诺数的分析




When vertical screw type conveyer is at idle time,with increasing rotational speed of the screw shaft,the gas in the pipe shows Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille flow and turbulent flow,etc.;the TCP flow with stable spiral vortex is ben-eficial for conveying efficiency of bulk solid.The paper describes the dynamic equation set for incompressible steady flow when the spiral conveyor under the idle state,and analyzes the relationship between some parameters (screw speed,diame-ter of screw axis,and screw pitch,etc.)and Reynolds number Re,with numerical simulation performed by Fluent soft-ware ,in order to figure out the flow vector diagram and streamline chart for vertical spiral conveyor under different speeds of the screw shaft,with the critical Reynolds number Re for stable spiral vortex of TCP flow recommended.%垂直螺旋输送机空转时,随着螺旋轴旋转速度的逐渐提高,管中空气将先后出现Taylor-Couette-Po-iseuille流动(TCP)和湍流等现象,TCP流中的流态为稳定螺旋涡时,有利于提高散体的输送效率。描述了螺旋输送机空转状态下不可压缩定常流的动力学方程组,分析出螺旋转速、螺旋轴直径、螺距等参数与雷诺数Re之间的关系,并利用Fluent软件进行数值模拟,得到不同的螺旋轴转速下垂直螺旋输送机内的流速矢量图和流线图,推荐出适宜螺旋输送机中TCP流稳定螺旋涡出现的临界雷诺数Re。



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