首页> 中文期刊> 《公路工程》 >土质边坡稳定安全系数计算方法研究




边坡稳定安全系数是研究边坡稳定性定量评价的主要依据之一,其计算正确性对于预防滑坡具有重要意义.首先通过泰勒分析法,找出不同坡度下土坡体最危险滑动面,运用瑞典圆弧条分法计算土坡的稳定安全系数;然后运用有限元重度增加法通过ADINA软件求出坡体的安全系数;最后通过两种不同方法的计算结果进行对比,再结合工程实例,通过ADINA分析结果与前人分析所得结果进行对比,表明了基于ADINA有限元计算软件对于求解边坡稳定安全系数的有效性.%The slope stability safety coefficient is one of the basis quantitative evaluations for slope stability.Its correctness has great significance for slide prevention.Firstly, the most dangerous sliding surface was found at the condition of different slope angle through Taylor analysis method and to calculate the stability safety factor by using the slices method of Sweden arc.Then the stability safety factor of slope was calculated by using the finite element incremental load method through ADINA software.At last, the calculation results were compared with two different method and combined an actual project to compare its result through ADINA with the previous results ,it is available to solve the slope stability safety coefficient through ADINA software for the finite element calculation.



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