首页> 中文期刊> 《海南医学》 >凶险性前置胎盘20例临床分析




Objective To study the diagnosis and preventive measures of pernicious placenta previa. Methods The clinical data of 20 patients with pernicious placenta previa in our hospital during the period from Dec. 2004 to Dec. 2012 were retrospectively analyzed. Results Of the 20 patients with pernicious placenta previa, 18 pa-tients had the amount of bleeding more than 500 ml, including 6 cases of placenta implantation and 5 cases of uterine resection. All the patients discharged after proper treatment. Conclusion For the patients with pernicious placenta previa, early diagnosis and early treatment, and perioperative treatment can improve the maternal and child pregnancy outcome.%目的 探讨凶险性前置胎盘的诊断和防治措施.方法 回顾性分析2004 年12 月至2012 年12 月期间我院诊治的20 例凶险性前置胎盘患者的临床资料.结果 20 例患者中18 例出血量≥500 ml,6 例胎盘植入,5 例子宫切除,经过对症处理后,本组患者均痊愈出院.结论 尽早诊断、尽早治疗,并做好围术期的处理是改善凶险性前置胎盘患者母婴妊娠结局的关键.



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