首页> 中文期刊> 《海南医学》 >拔牙术后出血原因临床分析




Objective To investigate The influence factors and clinical preventive measures of postoperative bleeding after tooth extraction. Methods 160 patients with postoperative bleeding bleeding from January 2009 to December 2011 were chosen, and postoperative bleeding bleeding time, the causes of bleeding were retrospectively analyzed. Results 98 patients with bleeding happened within 8 hours after surgery, with the proportion of 61.25%; followed for 8 to 12 hours after surgery, with the proportion of 16.88%; 12 to 24 hours postoperative bleeding with a ratio of 15.00%, and 6.87% over 24 hours. The leading causes of bleeding after tooth extraction were gum tear alveolar bone fracture, extraction sockets rupture of blood vessels, tissue residues after mishandling, and among them, the most common cause was tear the gums, with the rate of 41.88% (67 patients). Conclusion Number of factors maybe cause bleeding after tooth extraction, and local factors is main cause.%目的 探讨影响拔牙术后出血的因素及预防措施.方法 对2009 年1 月至2011 年12 月间在我院 接受拔牙手术并出现术后出血的160 例患者的出血时间、出血原因进行回顾性分析.结果 1)患者拔牙术后出 血时间多集中在术后8 h内,占61.25% (98 例);其次为术后8~12 h,占16.88%(27 例);术后12~24 h 占15.00%(24 例),超过24 h 者占6.87%(11 例).2)导致拔牙后出血的原因有牙龈撕裂、牙槽骨骨折、拔牙窝内血管破裂、组织 残留、术后处理不当等,其中最常见的原因为牙龈撕裂,有67 例,占41.88%.结论 多种因素均可造成拔牙后出 血,以局部因素为主,进行拔牙术时要做好预防工作.



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