首页> 中文期刊> 《海南医学》 >核黄素磷酸钠注射液在手足口病中的应用




Objective To evaluate clinical efficacy of Rlboflavin Sodium Phosphate Injection in the treatment of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD). Methods Sixty-four children of HFMD in Shenzhen Third People's Hospital from Mar. 2011 to July 2012 were collected and divided into the treatment group (n=33) and the control group (n=31) according to methods of treatment. The patients in the two groups were both treated by normal fluid infusion and symptomatic treatment, and those in the treatment group were additionally treated by Rlboflavin Sodium Phosphate Injection simultaneously, once per day, 5~7 d via injection. The change in the time of herpes repressed, appetite, temperature and side effects were analyzed. Results The time of herpes repressed, and the time of recovering normal appetite and normal temperature in treatment group [(4.45±0.51) d, (3.11±0.1) d, (3.19±0.6) d, respectively] was significantly shorter than those in the control group [(6.55±1.51) d, (4.09±0.8) d, (35.0±1.29) d, respectively], P< 0.05. The apparent effective rate (72.7%) and total effective rate (90.9%) in the treatment group were both significantly higher than those in the control group (41.9%, 90.3%), P<0.05. There was no obvious side effects during treatment. Conclusion There was apparent response using Rlboflavin Sodium Phosphate Injection for treating HFMD.%目的 观察核黄素磷酸钠注射液治疗手足口病的临床疗效.方法 选取2011 年3 月至2012 年7月在深圳市第三人民医院确诊为手足口病的64 例住院患儿,根据治疗方法分为治疗组(33 例)和对照组(31 例),两组均接受常规补液及对症治疗,治疗组加用核黄素磷酸钠注射液10 mg/d,1 次/d,静脉滴注5~7 d 后,对两组患儿的疱疹消失时间、食欲、体温等变化及药物不良反应进行临床分析.结果 治疗组患儿疱疹好转消失时间为食欲和体温恢复正常时间分别为(4.45±0.51) d、(3.11±0.1) d、(3.19±0.6) d,均短于对照组相应的三项指标恢复正常的时间[(6.55±1.51) d、(4.09±0.83) d、(5.0±1.29) d],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),治疗组显效率(72.7%)及总有效率(90.9%)均高于对照组(41.9%、90.3%),且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),治疗期间未见明显副反应.结论 核黄素磷酸钠注射液辅助治疗手足口病疗效显著.



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