首页> 中文期刊> 《海南医学》 >平板运动试验不同指标诊断心肌缺血的研究进展




平板运动试验主要是通过运动增加心脏负荷,使病变冠脉血流量不能满足心肌代谢需求,发生心肌缺血,并在心电图上反映出来.它是临床上最常用来诊断冠心病心肌缺血、评估预后的无创性检查方法.目前沿用的诊断标准为运动中或运动后ST段压低.但是,许多因素可以影响运动心电图ST段压低,出现较高的假阳性及假阴性率.近年来众多学者将平板运动试验多项指标,如心电图改变、血流动力学改变、症状、冠心病高危因素等进行分析,用来提高平板运动对心冠心病心肌缺血的诊断价值.%Treadmill exercise test (TET) can increase cardiac load through exercise, so that the coronary blood flow can not meet the needs of myocardial metabolism, and then myocardial ischemia is induced and can be reflected in electrocardiogram (ECG). TET is the most commonly used method for clinical diagnosis of myocardial ischemia in coro-nary heart disease and is the noninvasive test to assess the prognosis. The diagnostic criteria currently in use are ST seg-ment depression after exercise or during exercise. However, many factors can affect the ST segment depression and re-sults in a high false positive rate and false negative rate. In recent years, many scholars analyze a number of indicators of TET, such as the change of electrocardiogram, hemodynamics, symptoms and risk factors of coronary heart disease, in order to improve the diagnostic value of TET on myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary heart disease.



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