首页> 中文期刊>贵州农业科学 >贵州省土壤侵蚀危险度评价




为贵州省土壤侵蚀和石漠化的治理提供依据,运用K-means聚类从垦殖率、≥25°坡耕地/耕地、多年平均降雨量、梯田/耕地、人均粮食产量、人均耕地面积和土壤厚度7个指标对贵州省土壤侵蚀危险度进行了评价.结果表明:土壤侵蚀危险度的空间分布格局明显,大致从西至东递减;土壤侵蚀危险度极强度区域的主要问题是垦殖率高,强度区域主要问题是梯田占耕地的比例小,中度区域主要问题是土层偏薄,在进行土壤侵蚀治理时应根据不同区域的主要问题有针对性地进行治理.%The risk level of soil erosion in Guizhou province was asscessed by 7 indicators, including reclamation rate, ≥25° slope farmland-cultivated land ratio, mean annual precipitation, terraced fieldscultivated land ratio, per capita output of grain, per capita arable land area and soil thickness, by K-means cluster to provide basis for control of soil erosion and rocky desertification. The results showed that the space distribution of risk level of soil erosion obviously decreased from the west to the east in rough. The principal question of extremely intense region, intense region and moderate intense region of risk level of soil erosion was high reclamation rate, small terraced fields-cultivated land ratio and thin soil layer,respectively. The soil erosion should be controlled according to the principal question in different region.



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