首页> 中文期刊>贵州农业科学 >13份o2玉米自交系的SSR标记遗传多样性分析




为探究SSR标记位点的等位变异情况和自交系间的渊缘关系,采用SSR标记法,对13份o2o2基因型玉米(o2玉米)自交系的遗传多样性进行了分析.结果表明:共检测出92个等位基因变异,每个标记可检测出2~7个等位基因,平均3.54个;平均多态性信息量为0.59,变化范围0.14~0.83,显示了较高的多态性.通过聚类分析,将13个o2玉米自交系分为3个类群.含有CIMMYT优质蛋白玉米种质的8个自交系CA335、CA339、CA344、CA375、CA091、CML171、C171和黄C以及自育的QCL3028和种质来源不详的717/o2聚为一个类群;自育的o2玉米QCL3001和QCL3002聚在一个类群;前南斯拉夫来源的ZPL33/o2独成一个类群.聚类结果与系谱来源基本一致,表明聚类分析的结果基本上是正确的.%The genetic diversity of 13 high-lysine o2 maize lines were analyzed using SSR markers and cluster analysis to explore the relationship between allele variation and inbred lines. The results showed that 92 alleles were detected, with a mean of 3. 54 ranged from 2 to 7 among the 13 lines, and polymorphism information content was 0. 59 on average ranged from 0. 14 ~ 0. 83, showing high polymorphism. The clustering result showed that the 13 lines were classified into three groups. The first group included eight QPM lines(CA335, CA339, CA344, CA375, CA091, CML171, C171 and Huang C) and another two lines(QCL3028 bred by GIUFC and 717/o2 introduced by GIUFC); the second group included two lines, QCL3001 and QCL3002, bred by GIUFC; the ZPL33, originated from former Jugoslavia ,made the third group.



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