首页> 中文期刊> 《贵州农业科学》 >化肥零增长背景下黔西北耕地土壤有机质下降的原因与对策




毕节市地处黔西北高寒山区,地势西高东低,气候及生产条件差,土壤肥力低.为合理提升耕地土壤有机质含量,根据"毕节市测土配方施肥"及"耕地保护与质量提升"项目实施结果,分析毕节市耕地土壤有机质含量现状,指出水土流失、秸秆焚烧、农民传统施肥习惯和绿肥种植面积低是引起毕节市耕地土壤有机质含量下降的主要原因,提出了相应对策.%Bijie City located in cold highland area in northwest Guizhou, the terrain of which is high in west but low in east, with bad climate and production conditions, and low soil fertility.In order to rationally enhance organic matter content in arable soil, based on the results of "Bijie City soil testing and fertilization project" and "cultivated land protection and quality improvement project", through the analysis on organic matter content in arable soil of Bijie City, the decrease of organic matter in arable soil of Bijie City was mainly caused by soil erosion, straw burning, traditional farmers'' fertilization habit and small green manure planting area.At last the corresponding countermeasures were proposed as well.



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