首页> 中文期刊> 《科教导刊》 >浅谈怎样才能学好钢笔行书




现阶段许多教师和学生写不好钢笔行书,与我国中小学写字教育不完善有直接关系。我国写字教育内容本应由小学阶段的楷书和初中阶段的行书两部分组成。目前,我国绝大部分小学都能按规定完成楷书写字教学任务。而到了初中能按要求开设写字课的学校就寥寥无几了,初中写字教育几乎是一片空白,这正是师生写字不过关的直接原因。%At this stage, Many teachers and students write a bad pen running script, and is directly related to China's primary and secondary school writing education is imperfect. Write the content of education in China by the primary stage regular script and junior secondary Running Script in two parts. At present, the majority of primary schools in China can be required to complete a regular script to write the task of teaching. To junior high school, open a writing class according to the requirement is very few, junior high school writing education is almost a blank, this is the the din:ct cause of teachers and students' bad writing.



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