首页> 中文期刊>科教导刊 >液压系统沿程压力损失实验装置设计




In the"Hydraulic and Pneumatic Drive"this course, the pressure loss along the way for only the theory of compu-tation methods and formulas, students in an interview is not easy to understand, poor teaching. But through the experimental apparatus experimental phenomena intuitive, calculated according to experimental phenomena to be analyzed, and finally you can calculate the size of the pressure loss along the way, while the experimental device is configured to facilitate students sim-ply assemble themselves, the experimental device is mainly used for the pressure loss along the way teaching demonstration for curriculum services. Pressure loss along the way:that the pressure loss due to viscous liquid has a liquid flow in a straight pipe when generated. Fluid flow state is different, the resulting pressure along the process are different, including the pressure loss along the way along the pressure loss and turbulence at the time of laminar flow.%在“液压与气压传动”这门课程中,对于沿程压力损失只有理论的计算方法与公式,学生在接受时不容易理解,教学效果不佳。但通过该实验装置直观的实验现象,根据实验现象加以分析计算,最后可以计算出沿程压力损失大小,同时实验装置构成简单便于学生自己动手组装,该实验装置主要用于沿程压力损失教学演示为课程服务。沿程压力损失:指液体在直管中流动时因液体具有的粘性而产生的压力损失。流体的流动状态不同,所产生地沿程压力也有所不同,包括层流时的沿程压力损失和紊流时的沿程压力损失。



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