首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医药指南》 >居民家庭用药情况的调查与分析




目的:对居民家庭用药情况进行调查,为更好的促进居民安全、合理、规范用药。方法从近几年在我院门诊进行健康体检的四个单位中随机抽选出1500名体检者,对其在2010年1月至6月期间日常用药情况进行调查,并采用顺位及构成比法进行统计分析。结果结果显示,在存储和购买药物过程中存在问题的占57.9%,根据医师处方购买药品的仅占42.1%,而不知道滥用抗菌药物后果者竟高达68.9%。结论由此可知,居民药学知识匮乏导致的不合理用药现象非常严重。卫生部门应予以高度重视。可通过多途径、全方位做好居民安全用药的宣传教育工作,加强居民的药学知识,提高居民的用药安全意识,才能从根本上保障居民的用药安全。%Objective To better promote the residents to safaty,rational and standardized medication. Methods 1500 volunteers were randomly selected from the four units in our hospital healthy in recent years, conduct investigations on their daily medication from January 2010 to June 2010 and adopt pick and composition of the ratio method to analysis. Results The results show problems in the process of storage and purchase of drugs accounted for 57.9%, under a doctor’s prescription to buy drugs accounted for only 42.1% and don’t know the consequences of misuse of antimicrobial agents as high as 68.9%. Conclusion From this, residents irrational use of drugs by lack of pharmacy knowledge caused is very serious. Publicity and education departments should attach great importance, should be multi-way and full range of improving information and education to increase the pharmacological knowledge of the ordinary residents, and improve medication safety awareness in order to protect people’s medication safety.



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