首页> 中文期刊>中国医药指南 >自我管理在产后抑郁症高危产妇中的应用及疗效评价




目的:针对高危产妇且在产后出现抑郁症的患者展开自我管理培训,旨在优化临床护理与管理模式,减少高危产妇在产后由于抑郁引发的危险。方法选取花都区人民医院在2011年10月至2013年10月这2年内收治的高危产妇共126例,选取的患者均存在产后抑郁情况。将患者随机分为对照组(63例)及观察组(63例)。对照组采用常规临床管理方式,观察组采用自我管理干预方式,帮助产妇进行自我管理。对比两组患者精神状况在管理前后变化情况,了解让患者自我管理相对于常规管理模式在患者精神状态优化方面的效果。结果观察组患者产后抑郁症状减轻效果明显优于对照组患者,在SSRS量表以及SCL-90量表评定上分数更低,说明精神状况更好。两组患者管理效果存在显著差异性(P<0.05),具有统计学意义。结论帮助患者进行自我管理能够有效让患者自行控制情绪,减少产后抑郁程度,并降低抑郁情绪对产后恢复造成的不良影响。因此在临床护理与管理中使用自我管理存在推广价值。%Objective To high-risk women and in patients with postpartum depression self management training, designed to optimize the clinical nursing and the management pattern,reduce the risk of high-risk mothers in postpartum depression caused. Methods Select huadu district people's hospital in October 2011- two years in October 2013 were women at a total of 126 people,selection of patients suffer from postpartum depression. Patients were randomly divided into control group(63 cases) and observation group(63 cases). Control group using conventional clinical management way,the observation group USES the self-management interventions,helps women in self management. Compared to two groups of patients before and after mental state in the management and understanding patient self-management relative to the conventional management mode in the mental status of patients with the effect of optimization. Results The observation group of patients with postpartum depression symptoms relieve effect was better than the control group patients,the SSRS assessment scale and SCL-90 scale scores are lower,that better mental health. Two groups of patient management effect is a signiifcant difference(P< 0.05),with statistical significance. Conclusion Patients self management can effectively help patients to control your emotions, reduce postpartum depression, and reduce the adverse impact of depression in postpartum recovery. So use self management exist in clinical care and management.



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