首页> 中文期刊>广州化工 >一种多功能机械密封实验装置的研制




研制开发了一套多功能机械密封实验装置,该装置主要由实验台主体、油路系统、气路系统以及测控系统五部分组成,可供调节的参数有转速、介质压力和流量,其中转速可以利用计算机进行调控,其余均采用手动调控。该实验装置软件系统是基于LabVIEW实现,能对密封性能参数,如端面温度、膜压和膜厚等,进行自动采集、存储以及处理。采用本装置可对各类型的机械密封进行研究开发、产品考核及模拟现场工况的密封性能实验测试。%A set of multifunctional mechanical seal experimental device was developed, the device was mainly composed of the main body of experimental platform, hydraulic system, pneumatic system and control system, the parameters to adjust in the experiment were the spindle speed, medium pressure and flow rate, the speed of spindle was controlled by the computer, the rest all used manual control.The experimental device was based on LabVIEW, which had the ability to make seal performance parameters, such as face temperature, film pressure and film thickness, etc., for automatic acquisition, storage and processing.Using this experimental device can test the performance of research and development of various types of mechanical seals, assessment of sealing products and the sealing performance in the working condition simulated.



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