首页> 中文期刊>广州化工 >基于创新能力培养的工科院校化学实验教学模式探讨




人才培养模式多样化已是高等教育教学改革的趋势,要培养具有实践创新能力的工程技术人才,对实验教学模式进行改革势在必行。本文提出了构建基于创新能力培养的工科类高校化学实验教学模式,将教师的研究性实验教学与学生的研究性实验学习有机结合,使学生从以“验证性”实验为主导、被动的接收知识到成为实验教学的主体。这种新的化学实验教学模式的实施,能够更有效地培养学生的创新实践能力。%The diversification of personnel training mode has become the trend of higher education reform. It is imperative to reform the experimental teaching model for the cultivation of engineering technical personnel with practical innovation ability. A method of how to build a chemistry experiment teaching model in engineering colleges was discussed based on creative ability in which the research experiment teaching of teachers and the research experiment learning were combined, and the students were turned into the subject of the experimental teaching from the“confirmatory” test-driven passive object that received knowledge. The implementation of this new teaching model of chemical experiment will develop students’ creative and practical ability more effectively.



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