首页> 中文期刊> 《广州化工》 >环流式旋风除尘器在煅后焦装置的应用




中海石油炼化有限责任公司惠州炼化分公司40万吨煅后焦装置采用旋风除尘器对冷却机烟气进行除尘,该装置于2010年投用,2014年出现容易堵塞、分离效率低等问题,导致后续设备积灰严重、磨损大、检修频次高等后果。分析原旋风除尘器效率低下的原因,根据工艺特点,选择环流式旋风除尘器对原除尘器进行更换。该环流式旋风除尘器具有压降低、分离效率高、操作弹性大等特点。该装置在现场应用效果明显,回收效益显著。%According to the characteristics of the petrochemical industry condensate and the present situation for recovery condensate of 400000 tons coke calcining plant, the cyclone dust collect was put into use in 2010. In 2014, the equipment appeared to be easy to plug and low separation efficiency, leading to a serious follow-up fouling equipment, wear and maintenance of multi-frequency and other consequences. The reason of the low efficiency of the original cyclone dust collector was analyzed. According to the characteristics of the process, the circumfluent cyclone was selected to replace the original filter. The circumfluent cyclone has the advantages of reduced pressure, high separation efficiency, high operation flexibility, etc. The device has obvious effect on the field application, and the recovery efficiency is remarkable.



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