首页> 中文期刊>广东园林 >城市林荫道宽高比(D/H)探究--以南京市18条林荫道为例




In this paper, we take an exhaustive research and analysis on spatial structural elements of 18 different types of urban greenway in Nanjing by using the method of quantitative survey. The research focuses on exploring the influence of avenues’ (D/H) upon its landscape effects and people’s feeling of space. The results shows that: space aspect ratio(D/H) of greenway less than or equal 1 is more appropriate for people walking; space aspect ratio(D/H) of greenway between 1 to 4 has stable sense of space, which is more suitable for both people and bicycles; space aspect ratio(D/H) of greenway more than 4 has feeble sense of enclosure, which is not recommended.%采用定量调查的方法对南京市内18条不同类型城市林荫道的空间结构要素进行了详细调研和分析,着重探究林荫道宽高比(D/H)对其景观效果以及人的空间感受的影响。结果表明:D/H≤1的林荫道是比较适合行人步行的林荫道;1≤D/H≤4的林荫道空间感稳定,比较适合人车混行的林荫道;而D/H >4的林荫道产生的围合感比较弱,不建议设计成林荫道。



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