首页> 中文期刊>广东牙病防治 >贝壳多孔羟基磷灰石基骨修复材料和骨形成蛋白-2联合应用引导犬牙周组织再生效果初步评估




目的 初步评估贝壳多孔羟基磷灰石基骨修复材料及该材料和骨形成蛋白-2联合应用引导比格犬牙周组织再生的效果.方法 选取18月龄比格犬6只,牙周基础治疗后1周,在下颌第二、三、四前磨牙,建立急性牙周骨缺损模型,依照分组情况进行不同治疗.实验组(T组)植入骨修复材料和骨形成蛋白-2;阴性对照组(NC组)植入骨修复材料;空白对照组(BC组)不植入任何材料.实验设计采取同颌同名牙对照,同一只比格犬的3对同颌同名牙分别为:空白对照组和阴性对照组,阴性对照组和实验组,空白对照组和实验组.术后12周,处死动物,Micro-CT检查并对数据进行统计学分析.结果 材料植入后,未见材料溢出,植入局部和全身都未见明显不良反应.3组缺损都有一定程度骨再生,以T组再生组织量最多,BC组最少.Micro-CT结果显示:T组、NC组和BC组的骨再生平均高度为(4.50±0.47) mm、(1.75±0.42) mm和(0.87±0.31) mm.NC组和BC组相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).T组与NC组和BC组相比,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),且有临床意义.结论 贝壳多孔羟基磷灰石基骨修复材料和骨形成蛋白-2联合应用于比格犬,可以获得更好的引导组织再生效果.%Objective To evaluate the ability of core-shell hydroxyapatite bone graft material alone and combined with bone morphogenetic protein 2 ( BMP-2) in periodontal regeneration treatment in dogs. Methods Thirty-six defects were created in six 18-months male beagle dogs at the sites of the second, third and fourth mandibular premolars one week later after the dogs were treated with non-surgical periodontal therapy. Different treatments were carried out according to which group the teeth belonged. There are 3 groups. The test group (group T) was treated with core-shell hydroxyapatite bone graft material combined with BMP-2; the negative control group (group NC) was treated with core-shell hydroxyapatite bone graft material alone and the blank control group (group BC) was treated with no graft material. When a tooth was selected into one of the 3 groups randomly, the tooth with the same name on the other side in the same jaw was selected into another group. 6 defects in the same dog were made and divided into 3 groups. The animals were sacrificed 12 weeks after surgery and analyzed by Micro-CT. Results There was no adverse reaction after material was planted. There were bone regenerations in all groups. Croup T got the best bone regeneration while group BC got the least bone regeneration. The biggest height of bone regeneration for group T, group NC and group BC were ( 4. 50 ± 0.47 ) mm、( 1. 75 ± 0.42) mm and (0.87 ±0.31) mm according to Micro-CT evaluation. There were statistical difference of bone regeneration height between group NC and group BC. There were statistical differences between group T and group NC and between group T and group BC. Conclusion More periodontal tissue regeneration could be got when core-shell hydroxyap atite bone graft material was used with bone morphology protein 2.



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