首页> 中文期刊> 《广东化工》 >bmimPF_6增塑PVC糊树脂膜迁移规律研究




文章应用固相萃取、液相色谱联用技术,研究了[bmim]PF6增塑PVC糊树脂膜中的[bmim]PF6在水环境及低酒精含量模拟溶剂(15%乙醇-水溶液)中的迁移规律,同时研究了[bmim]PF6迁移对薄膜力学性能的影响。结果表明:时间和温度对[bmim]PF6向水环境中迁移均有加速效应,在中性条件下迁移量较小,在酸性和碱性条件下迁移量较大。[bmim]PF6在低酒精含量模拟溶剂中与浸泡在去离子水中的薄膜迁移量相比,迁移量明显降低。增塑剂迁出后PVC糊树脂膜的断裂伸长率降低,弹性模量、拉伸强度均升高,可望用于医疗制品的开。%Transfer of plasticizers in water and simulated solvent of low-alcohol were studied by using solid-phase-extraction and high-performance-liquid-chromatography.Effect of plasticizer transfer on mechanical properties of the film was studied.The result showed that the operating conditions such as temperature and macerating time had a great accelerated effect on it.There was smaller migration in the neutral conditions,however,the migrations were volume in acidic and alkaline conditions.Compared with in the water environment,the migration was reduced evidenced in the simulated solvent of low-alcohol.The tensile strength and elastic moduli hoisted;and their elongation at break were dropped obviously.After transferring,the tensile strength and elastic moduli of PVC paste resin films' were hoisted,and their elongation at break dropped obviously.



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