首页> 中文期刊> 《草食家畜》 >巴音布鲁克草原退化梯度分析




本文以巴音布鲁克大、小尤尔都斯盆地的高寒草原草地为对象,测定植物群落的盖度、高度、密度、多度、产量,并结合2004年ETM遥感影像,研究了不同退化等级的草原植被特征变化情况,确定草地退化等级判定标准。结果表示,以紫花针茅优势度为主,可将巴音布鲁克草地划分为轻度退化、中度退化和重度退化三个等级。在轻度退化草地,紫花针茅优势度在0.6以上,总盖度在50%以上;中度退化草地中,紫花针茅优势度为0.3~0.6,总盖度为30%~50%;而重度退化草地中,紫花针茅优势度为0.3以下,总盖度小于30%。%Targeting at the alpine grasslands in large and small Yourdusi Basins, Bayanbulak, the paper measures the coverage, height, density and yield of phytoecommunities, studies the changes of characteristics of grassland vegetation with different levels of degradation and confirms the criteria for determining the levels of degradation by combination of 2004 ETM remote-sensing image. The results are shown as follows: for the dominance of Stipa Purpurea, Bayanbulak grassland can be divided into three levels, that is, light, medium and severe degradation. In the three levels, the dominance of Stipa Purpurea is respectively above 0.6, 0.3~0.6 and lower than 0.3, while the total coverage is respectively more than 50%, 30%~50%and less than 30%.



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