首页> 中文期刊> 《黄金》 >从金精炼酸性废水中提取金银的试验研究




One gold smeltery uses hydrometallurgical processes to treat gold mud after cyanidation. Experimental research on the comprehensive recovery of gold and silver from hydrometallurgical wastewater is carried out based re-spectively on activated carbon adsorption and iron powder precipitation methods. The results show that with activated carbon adsorption,the adsorption rates of gold and silver are 99. 45 % and 46. 24 % respectively; with iron powder precipitation,the precipitation rates of gold and silver are 99. 45 % and 87. 10 % respectively,and the mass concen-trations of gold and silver in tailing solutions are reduced to 0. 01 mg/L and 0. 02 mg/L respectively,both achieving satisfactory technical index;the gold and silver content in hydrometallurgical wastewater is reduced,making full use of precious metals and creating certain profits for enterprises.%某黄金冶炼厂采用湿法工艺处理氰化金泥,针对湿法提取后废水中的金、银,分别进行了活性炭吸附工艺和铁粉置换工艺的综合回收试验研究. 试验结果表明:采用活性炭吸附工艺,金、银吸附率分别为 99 . 45 %、46 . 24 %;采用铁屑置换工艺,金、银置换率分别达到 99 . 45 %、87. 10 %,尾液中的金、银质量浓度分别降低至0. 01 mg/L、0. 12 mg/L,均取得了理想的技术指标;不但综合回收了湿法提取后废水中金、银,减少了贵金属的损失,而且也可以为企业创造一定的经济效益.



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