首页> 中文期刊> 《环球中医药》 >“膀胱癌湿热瘀毒蕴积病因病机与其有氧糖酵解代谢异常相关”假说的提出




传统中医认为,在肿瘤的发生发展过程中“虚、痰、瘀、毒”是其主要病因病机,而正气虚弱是疾病发生的基础,《灵枢・水胀》中也记载“恶气乃起,息肉乃生”。因此,“虚、痰、瘀、毒”和机体相互作用产生“恶气”,从而导致肿瘤。作者前期对膀胱癌的研究中,发现肿瘤细胞有氧糖酵解代谢异常过程可提供其持续生长的物质(核酸、磷脂、氨基酸、乳酸等)和能量(ATP),并且和细胞生长环境中的H+、HCO3-、O2等密切作用。结合中医肿瘤学“虚、痰、瘀、毒”的辨证认识和膀胱的脏腑特性,本文提出“膀胱癌湿热瘀毒蕴积病因病机与其有氧糖酵解代谢异常相关”的假说。%Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) regards “Deficiency, Phlegm, Blood stasis, Tox-in” as the main etiology and pathogenesis in the formation and development of tumors , and the weakness of healthy Qi is the basis of diseases , as is recorded in The Miraculous Pivot・ Shui Zhang that“the filthy en-ergy will begin to rise, the polypus will begin to grow”.The interaction between “Deficiency, Phlegm, Blood stasis, Toxin” and human body generates “filthy energy” and thus leads to tumor.Previous researches on bladder cancer by the authors of this article reveal that metabolic disorders in the aerobic glycolysis of tumor cells provides tumor cells with growth materials (nuclei acid, lecithin, amino acid, lactic acid, etc) and energy which interact with H+, HCO3 -and O2 in the growth environment of tumor cells .Based on the dialectical knowledge of “Deficiency, Phlegm, Blood stasis, Toxin” in TCM oncology and the Zang-Fu traits of bladder , a hypothesis on the correlation between bladder cancer ’s damp-heat-blood stasis-toxin accumula-tion etiology and pathogenesis and the metabolic disorders in its aerobic glycolysis is proposed in this article .



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