首页> 中文期刊>全球教育展望 >国际视角下我国能源教育事业的基本课题及对策建议




许多发达国家和地区早已把能源教育事业视为应对能源危机的重要举措纳入国家能源事业和教育事业之中,大力推进能源教育发展。我国能源教育事业刚刚起步,许多课题可参考与借鉴国际经验来解决,对此提出十项对策建议:实现能源教育事业法规化;设置国家能源教育管理部门;制订国家能源教育事业发展规划;明确能源教育实施主体的职责;加强能源教育推广平台建设;促进能源教育事业国际交流合作;健全教师能源教育机制;加强能源教育资源的开发与建设;筹建专业化能源教育研究机构;创建全民参与能源教育的机制。%Energy education career has been looked as one of the important measures to deal with energy crisis in many de- veloped countries and regions ; It has been brought in national energy and education carrer and promoted the development of ener- gy education carrer vigorously. Energy education just on its way in our country, many subjects can be resolved in international ex- perience. Therefore, ten suggestions are proposed in this paper: Making the energy education legalization; Setting up special na- tional agencies to supervise energy education; Formulating development plan of energy education; Defining responsibility and ob- ligations of the subject of energy education; Reinforcing promotion of energy education; Accelerating international communication and cooperation of energy education; Improving teachers ~ energy education mechanism; Strengthening the development and con- struction of resource of energy education; preparation professional research institute; Founding mechanism urge whole people par- ticipate in energy education.



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