首页> 中文期刊>老年医学与保健 >息宁控释片对帕金森病运动并发症的疗效研究




Objective To investigate the efficacy of sinemet-CR in treatment of motor complications due to parkinson's disease (PD). Methods The self-controlled clinical trial was performed in the present study. 80 patients with idiopathic PD were divided into mild group and moderate group according to time of PD and levodopa treatment. The efficacy of si-nemet-CR was assessed by the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) scores, Hoehn-Yahr scores , "on" time, "off time and dyskinesias questionnaire. Results Sinemet-CR had significantly increased the "on" time, reduced the "off time, decreased the UPDRS and Hoehn-Yahr scores. There was no significant difference in the frequency of dys-kinesias. Conclusions Sinemet-CR is effective for mild-moderate PD with motor fluctuations, but it is ineffective for dys-kinesias.%目的 研究息宁控释片对轻-中度帕金森病运动并发症的疗效.方法 采用自身对照研究,将80例帕金森病患者按照病程及美多巴治疗时间分为轻度和中度两组,比较所有人组对象息宁控释片替换美多巴治疗前后UPDRS各部分评分、Hoehn-Yahr分期、"开""关"期时间及异动症情况的变化,评估其疗效.结果 轻-中度帕金森病患者换用息宁控释片后,UPDRS各部分评分、Hoehn-Yahr评分均显著下降,"开"期延长,"关"期缩短.异动症的发生率无统计学差异.结论 息宁控释片可改善轻-中度帕金森病运动并发症,减少症状波动,但对异动症无效.



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