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Respite Guide: Running a Respite Care program in the 1990's




Respite care for the frail elderly and their families is a relatively new concept in the United States, in contrast to several European nations and respite programs for mentally retarded and developmentally disabled persons in this country. Providing relief from care giving is important so that the caregiver can remain a healthy, functional part of the support system for the older person. People use respite for reasons that include vacations, emergencies, personal business, attending classes, or to have a break from care giving to do other work. This Respite Guide provides basic information about practical components of respite programs. It is based, in part, on a survey of New York Area Agencies on Aging respite services, conducted in 1988 by the Long Term Care Unit of the New York State Office for the Aging. The Guide includes a resource list that describes other respite service guides and training manuals that differ in scope and content. It has been designed for the use of area agencies on aging and other community organizations to help develop and continue respite services.



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