首页> 中文期刊> 《地质论评》 >青藏高原下地壳热变形和管道流研究




Objectives:Based on the crustal density images obtained in Qinghai—Xizang (Tibet) Plateau that we presented by previous papers,a study of causes and sources of low-density beles in the studied area is analyzed fin this paper.Methods:The basic theory about thermal stress in continuum physics is applied for the analysis and links to data of lithospheric investigations,aiming at formation mechanics of lowercrustal channel flow.Corresponding functions linking the thermal strain,temperature and density variation in the Lower crust provide the possibility of estimating the Lower crustal thermal strain maps,providing important evidences for study of the channel flows and mass movement.Results:Applying the methods produce the results that the maximum thermal strain of this channel flow caused by heat expansion equals to 15.5mm3/a.And the resulting map shows that positive thermal strain indicates expansion areas of the Lower crust in the studied area,whilst negative thermal strain indicates cold contraction areas.The lowercrustal channel flows originate from two sources that characterized by areas of the highest thermal strain,then flow into areas of the lower thermal strain.The areas of the highest thermal strain are located at two places,the first is by the eastern side of the Karakoran fault between the Bangong—Nujiang and the Yaluzangbo sutures.The second flow source is located by the northern side of the Yaluzangbo suture between Lhaze—Nyingchi.The channel flows originates from the first source goes to NE and NW,i.e.,to Aljin area and Karakoran area respectively.The channel flows originates from the second source goes to east,reaching to Litang—Yajiang area and North Yunnan,then diverscly flows to north and south.Conclusions:The study supports the hypothesis of the Lower crust channel flows and diapiric intrusions of the flow from the Lower crust into the middle crust like dental cream,which have been resulting in break of gravitational equilibrium and uplifting of mountains in Qinghai—Xizang (Tibet) Plateau.%本文应用地球三维成像方法和现代物理学的理论,来说明青藏高原下地壳管道流形成的原因和条件.根据区域重力资料提取的地壳三维密度成像的信息,进一步探讨了青藏高原地壳低密度扰动带反映的地质构造.应用地壳三维密度图像,分析了青藏高原下地壳为什么会形成管道流的原因,圈定了下地壳管道流所在位置.通过连续介质物理学的理论分析了热变形带如何引起下地壳管道流的机制,给出通过密度扰动计算了下地壳热应变率的方程式.结果表明,青藏高原下地壳管道流的热应变幅度大约为15.5mm3/a.按照方程式和下地壳的密度扰动数据计算了青藏高原下地壳热应变幅度分布图.图中正热应变幅度代表热膨胀,负热应变幅度代表冷收缩;下地壳管道流随应变率从高向低流动.下地壳岩石热应变率最高处指示下地壳管道流的源头,位于喀拉昆仑断裂东侧与雅鲁藏布至班公—怒江缝合带的连接区段,和雅鲁藏布缝合带北侧的拉孜—林芝段.从喀拉昆仑断裂东侧源头的下地壳管道流主要流向北东和北西两个方向.从雅鲁藏布缝合带北侧源头的下地壳管道流主要流向北东到理塘—雅江和滇北地区,然后又分为南北两个方向分流.下地壳管道流位置或可向上挤出到中地壳,引起青藏高原重力不均衡和山脉隆升.同时,三维密度成像的结果支持下地壳流牙膏式向上挤出的蠕动模式.



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