首页> 中文期刊>燃气轮机技术 >热电联产对NOx排放量的估算和治理方法的商榷




首先摘录了文献[1]各采暖方式计算结果、表1、表4和提出的结论:认为北京市采暖方式不宜“煤改气”。经我们对其不同采暖方式NOx排放量进行了分析和重新计算,得出的数据和结论显然不同。我们认为改善空气质量的根本途径在于优化改变我国以燃煤为主的能源结构;除了燃煤火电机组节能减排升级外,对于在“三北”地区的特大城市,在天然气有保障的条件下,应采用燃气-蒸汽联合循环热电厂,实现集中供热,热电联产。%This article firstly extract from references[1] analysis to calculate lower NOx emission for district heating in winter gives re-sult and conclusion:Beijing government inappropriate to promote the action“CHP coal to gas” to a broad scale as an effective way of refine air quality.However anew compute method gives outcome and conclusions are differs.Therefore, the key on the basic way to re-fine air quality is optimization changes the master energy construction of coal.Besides coal plant go up“energy saving emission reduc-ing”, in three north area biggest city, and the nature gas supply condition are secure.Therefore, it is develop the gas-steam combine cycle CHP plant“CHP coal to gas”.



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