首页> 中文期刊>复旦教育论坛 >二十年来我国教育公平研究的学术进展--基于1994-2014年间的文献分析




The systematically theoretical research and practical exploration on educational equity in China has begun since the 1990s. Over the past twenty years, Chinese scholars have paid continuous attention to the definition and influencing factors, the implementation strategy and evaluation mechanism of educational equity. In general, the research on educational equity embraces basic theory and practice study, and integrates multiple disciplines and perspectives, with gradually deepened and detailed research fields. At present, scholars should focus on the localization of educational equity theory, and enhance the research based on educational ontology, comprehensive and critical perspective. Furthermore, qualitative research and case study should be carried out more frequently to improve the scientific validity and overall level of educational equity research.%我国学界对教育公平问题的普遍关注和系统研究始于20世纪90年代。二十年来,教育公平是什么、教育为何不公、教育如何才能公平、怎样评价教育公平等研究领域受到持续关注。总体上我国教育公平研究表现出基础理论研究与实践研究并重、多学科介入与多视角挖掘并举、研究领域不断深化和细化等特点。当前还需不断推动理论本土化构建,拓展教育学本体意义上的研究和基于综合性、批判性视角的研究,加强“质的研究”和个案研究,提升研究的科学性和总体水平。



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