首页> 中文期刊>食品研究与开发 >生态壁垒对我国食品出口的影响及对策




鉴于以食品标签为主要形式的生态壁垒不断阻碍国际贸易的有序进行,文章从食品标签的新形式、新特点的视角,对国际贸易中的标签壁垒进行了创新性的阐述与分类,并从我国食品出口批次、出口价格优势以及出口增长速度等3方面系统、全面地讨论了标签壁垒对我国食品出口产生的影响,提出从建立完善的食品标签制度、做好食品标签认证工作、完善环保法规和技术标准、收集国际市场标签壁垒信息、4个方面做好我国食品行业的标签壁垒应对策略。%Because ecological barriers whose main form is food label hinder the ordered conduction of international trade,this article analyze the classification of label barriers innovatively from new forms and new characteristics of food labels . From the perspective of the batches of China's food exports,the advantage of export price and export growth system,it comprehensively discusses the impacts of label barriers on China's food exports and put forward that we can build the perfect system of food labels,make food labeling certification better,improve the environmental protection laws,regulations and technical standards,gather international market label barriers information to respond to the label barriers of the food industry in our country.



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