首页> 中文期刊> 《中国食物与营养》 >北京市儿童青少年副食摄入现况评估




[Objective]To assess the children grocery intakes in Beijing to afford basic evidences of nutritional strategy. [Method]Data were from the Metabolic Syndrome Survey of focal program of Beijing Science and Technology Committee. Got 20 867 children aged 3-18 years by stratified cluster representative sample. Children overweight and obesity were defined according to Body Mass Index (BMI) cutoffs reeonmaended by the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) reference. There were 10 groups of grocery, such as meat, bean, sea food, dairy, vegetable, fruit, fried, western fast food, soup, and soft drink. Filled in 5 grads in each by parents, which was 1 = everyday, 2 = 3--5 times per week, 3 = 1--2 times per week, 4 = once per 2 weeks, 5 = seldom or never. Refilled them with times or week and assessed with Weight Grade Method and Zscore. [Result]The presented of grocery showed meat and fruit presented increasingdecreasingincreasing trend, vegetable presented increasing but dairy decreasing by age. Meat was taken higher but fruit lower in boys than in girls. Meat and dairy were taken higher but vegetable lower in urban than in rural. Meat was taken lower but vegetable lower in normal than in overweight and obe sity. Zscore charts showed intercrossed between boys and girls, urban and rural as well. The correlations were more of negative than of posi tive. There was some opposed Zscore of groceries among different types of body size. [Conclusion]Grocery intake study showed childrens' nu tritional condition in nutrition transition stage in Beijing. There were negative correlations of Zscore among most of them. Different body type had reversal grocery model.%目的:对北京市儿童青少年副食摄入现况进行评估,阐述营养转型期儿童发展与副食关系内在规律性,为决策提供依据。方法:资料来自北京市儿童青少年代谢综合征分层随机整群抽样调查样本,截取3-18岁儿童青少年20867人,约男女各半。儿童青少年超重(含肥胖)、肥胖以国际肥胖专家组(IOTF)之BMI界值进行界定。副食为10类,即:肉类、豆制品、海产品、奶类、蔬菜、水果、油炸食品、洋快餐、汤、软饮料;每类按5等级,由家长填写;将问卷中5等级均归为射周重置,进行加权评估与Z评估。结果:副食加权评分年龄别构成比变化趋势显示,肉和水果频次构成相似,呈“较多-渐少-再渐多”过程,蔬菜递增、奶类递减;男生肉频次较高,而女生水果频次较高;城市肉、奶频次较高,而农村蔬菜、汤频次较高;正常儿童较超重与肥胖者肉频次略低,且蔬菜频次略高;重要副食搭配Z值图形呈对称交叉蝶状,负性相关多于正性相关。对体格类型影响显示多项Z值互逆。结论:副食频次研究能够反映营养转型期不同群体儿童青少年摄入状况,众多类副食搭配Z评分负相关,不同体格儿童之副食谱存在显著性差异。



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