首页> 中文期刊>渔业现代化 >天津大神堂牡蛎礁国家级海洋特别保护区水质分析




为了对天津大神堂牡蛎礁国家级海洋特别保护区进行水质环境分析,2012年4月、9月和2013年5月、9月分别对该特别保护区海域进行了4个航次的水质环境调查,并通过单项水质评价法、海水营养指数评价法、有机污染综合指数法等对该特别保护区海域的水质进行质量分析。调查数据表明,该保护区海水受无机氮污染严重,4个航次无机氮污染指数均大于1;海水营养指数分布范围为1.60~93.76,平均值为14.58,处于重度富营养状态;有机污染指数分布范围为0.96~6.58,平均值为2.76,处于3级轻度污染状态。结果表明,无机氮为该海域主要污染因子,富营养化及有机污染情况严重并呈增加趋势。目前保护区已经建立,但对于保护区的治理有待进一步开展,还需对该保护区进行长期的监测与科学研究。%In order to analysis the water quality of the Tianjin Dashentang Oyster Reef area of the special national marine protected areas, we conducted four water quality surveys in April and September 2012, May and September 2013 .We analyzed the single contaminated factor, nutritional and organic pollution situation of this sea area by individual water quality evaluation method, seawater nutritional index evaluation method and the organic pollution index method. These results indicated that: Tianjin Dashentang specially protected area was significantly polluted by the DIN, and the DIN pollution index were all greater than 1 for four cruises;Seawater quality was in the stage of severe eutrophication, and the range of the nutrition exponential distribution was 1.60⁃93.76, with an average of 14.58;The average index of organic pollution was 2.76, and the distribution range of the third degree lied in 0.96⁃6.58, which showed slightly polluted. In summary, the major pollution factor was inorganic nitrogen, eutrophication and organic pollution situation were serious and in an increasing trend. Although the Tianjin Dashentang Oyster Reef National Marine Specially Protected Areas has been established at present, the protected areas need further governance, long⁃term monitoring and further scientific research.



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