首页> 中文期刊> 《火力与指挥控制》 >基于FOCUSS改进算法的DOA估计方法




Traditional DOA-estimation method cannot distinguish coherent sources effectively,the methods based on sparse reconstruction can resolve the problem of incoherent -resource DOA estimation,however,due to designed against to free-noise or only measurement-noise system,the estimation performance is improved. An improved algorithm is developed to DOA estimation based on FOCUSS against the Multiple-Measurement-Vectors (MMV) model where measurement noise and model noise both exist. It can deal with DOA estimation of both coherent and incoherent resources robustly,and improve resolution power and estimation accuracy obviously. The sparse signal model of DOA estimation,the derivation of new algorithm are shown,and finally is proved the advantage of our method comparing to other methods through simulation experiments.%传统的DOA估计方法不能有效分辨相干源目标;稀疏重构方法能够处理相干源的DOA估计问题,但现有稀疏重构方法大都是针对无噪声或仅存在观测噪声系统提出的,估计性能有待提高。对于同时存在观测噪声和模型噪声的多观测量模型,提出了一种基于FOCUSS稀疏重构的改进算法,可鲁棒地处理相干源、非相干源的DOA估计问题,有效提高分辨力和估计精度等估计性能。给出了DOA估计的稀疏信号模型以及新算法的推导过程,仿真实验证明了新算法在与其他算法对比时的优越性。



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