首页> 中文期刊> 《火力与指挥控制》 >基于规划方法的防空兵兵力区分问题建模




The allocation of air defense troops is an important step of troops disposition,a correct scheme about combat grouping and combat formation disposition could be worked out only after the allocation of air defense troops has been done. This paper is devoted to study allocation problem of troops during the process of coordination operation between ground -to -air missile forces and antiaircraft artillery forces within combat zone of air defense troops. Taking the mathematic expectation of destroying enemy air raid weapons as objective function,a nonlinear programming model is built and the optimal scheme of troops allocation is found to help commander make a policy by use of Lingo software.%防空兵兵力区分是防空兵兵力部署的一个重要环节,在进行正确的兵力区分基础上,才能进行正确的战斗编组和战斗队型配置。研究了防空兵作战地幅内地空导弹兵与高射炮兵协同作战时的兵力区分问题,以消灭敌空兵器的数学期望为目标函数,用规划方法建立了该问题的数学模型,用Lingo软件求出了兵力区分的最佳方案。



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