首页> 中文期刊>火力与指挥控制 >装备体系结构的复杂网络混合模型建模




针对武器装备体系结构复杂的特点,简单的静态方法分析已不足表现体系特征,通过体系层次分析,建立以体系、系统、平台和单元为划分的层次结构,并针对体系结构的增长和演化特点提出一种复杂网络下的混合模型,该模型克服了BA模型和小世界模型各自的缺点,用于描述装备体系结构特点更加贴近实际.案例仿真表明,用混合模型描述的装备体系结构兼具小世界特性和无标度性质,较好地刻画了装备体系结构的动态特点,表明该模型用于描述体系结构是可行的.%The usual static model to describe the structure of Weapon System of System(WSoS)is not enough with regard to the feature of complex WSoS. This paper builds system of system,system, platform and unit four different levels of weapon equipment according to the analysis of WSoS. At the same time,the mixed model under complex network is carried out due to the feature of growth and evolution of WSoS,which overcome the shortcoming of both scale-free and small world model by a close description for WSoS. Example shows the WSoS described by mixed model is with both scale-free properties and small world properties,which describes the dynamical features for structure of WSoS and proves the feasibility of proposed mixed model.



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