首页> 中文期刊> 《新疆财经》 >“农家乐”开发与农村女性剩余劳动力转移研究--以乌鲁木齐县水西沟镇方家庄子村为例




This paper,taking Fangjiazhuangzi Villiage in Urumqi County as an example ,conducts a questionnaire survey to truly reflect the development of Farm -house Tourism and the transferring of surplus rural women labor in Urumqi .It is aimed to find the features during the surplus rural women labor are absorbed by Farm -house Tourism.At the same time,we can summarize the problems during it.The results show that,1) by means of transferring to Farm -house Tourism,the income of the rural surplus la-bor women is increasing with longer working time ,not so high requirements of employment ,or gender discrimination .However,the employment information channel is not smooth;2) The problems during the surplus rural women labor which are absorbed by Farm-house Tourism in study area mainly reflect from two aspects:the shortage of occupation skills and lack of legal awareness;3 ) the main influencing factors during the surplus rural women labor which are absorbed by Farm -house Tourism can be divided in-to two kinds:the first is that the absorptive capacity is limited ,and the second is that the quality of the labors is not good enough . A much better employment environment should be constructed by the government for promoting the development of Farm -house Tourism.%本文以乌鲁木齐县水西沟镇方家庄子村为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方法,探讨了乌鲁木齐周边“农家乐”开发与吸纳农村女性剩余劳动力问题。结果表明:研究区“农家乐”在吸纳农村剩余劳动力时,更倾向于吸纳女性劳动者,且就业门槛较低,用工时间较长;但其女性就业者认为,在“农家乐”工作所获得的收入只能维持基本生活,因而近1/4的被调查者选择了兼职。调查表明,女性劳动者自身素质不高,“农家乐”经营规模偏小,缺乏就业信息是制约“农家乐”吸纳女性剩余劳动力的主要因素。



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