首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 >2012-2014年武警江苏省总队医院抗肿瘤药应用分析




目的:了解武警江苏省总队医院(以下简称“我院”)抗肿瘤药的临床应用情况及发展趋势,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法:采用销售金额排序法、用药频率( defined daily dose system,DDDs)排序法和限定日费用( daily drug cost,DDC)排序法对我院2012—2014年抗肿瘤药用药数据进行统计、分析。结果:我院2012—2014年抗肿瘤药销售总金额和使用总频率呈逐年增长趋势,单个药物3年中DDC波动幅度较小,总体趋于稳定。其中,多西他赛、奥沙利铂、吉西他滨和帕米膦酸3年中销售金额一直位于前5名内,使用频率较高的药物为氟尿嘧啶和顺铂,交替出现在DDDs排序前2位。结论:我院抗肿瘤药应用情况基本合理,但仍需对抗肿瘤药物的应用管理,进一步加强临床用药的合理应用。%OBJECTIVE:To investigate the status quo and development tendency of anti-tumor drugs in the Armed Police Corps Hospital of Jiangsu Province ( hereinafter referred to as our hospital ) , and to provide reference for the rational drug use in clinic.METHODS:The medication data of anti-tumor drugs in our hospital during 2012-2014 were statistically analyzed by using consumption sum ranking method, defined daily dose system( DDDs) ranking method and defined daily cost ( DDC) ranking method.RESULTS: The consumption sum and DDDs of anti-tumor drugs had an increasing trend year by year in our hospital during 2012-2014 .The DDC of single drug had a small volatility but it was stable in general.Docetaxel, oxaliplatin, gemcitabine and pamidronate dominated the top 5 places ranked by consumption sum during the three years, meanwhile, fluorouracil and cisplatin both had high application frequency, which were listed on the top 2 in turn ranked by DDDs.CONCLUSIONS: The current status of anti-tumor drugs is basically rationally in our hospital, but the monitoring on clinical application of anti-tumor drugs still needs to be intensified, so as to further strengthen the rational drug use in clinic.



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