首页> 中文期刊>环境保护科学 >环境责任险试点行业定量化选取标准研究——以河南省化工行业为例




将经济规模、污染特征、国家名录制定、国家行业政策、环境风险事故5个方面作为行业选取的影响因素进行分析,构建了行业选取的定量化指标体系,采用层次分析法对权重进行赋值,并制定了不同指标等级判别标准.同时以河南省化工行业为实例进行了细类行业的选取研究,并进一步制定15个行业清单,建议其作为河南省环境责任险制度的试点行业,为管理部门的精细化和针对性管理提供了科学依据.%In this thesis, economic scale, pollution characteristics, national directory elaboration, national industrial policy and environmental risk accidents taken as the influencing factors for industry selection are analyzed and a quantitative index system of industry selection is established. AHP is used to determine the index weight and assessment criteria in different index levels are developed. The chemical industry of Henan Province is taken as an example for the study of fine industry selection. A list of 15 industries is further developed. It is suggested that industries on the list be used as the pilot industries for the environmental liability insurance in Henan Province, providing a scientific basis for the fine and pertinent management of administrations.



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