首页> 中文期刊>电子测试 >CT重建中滤波器的设计与实现




CT reconstruction algorithms mainly include the analytical method and iterative method. Because of reconstruction speed and the smaller required data storage space, so it is more widely used in practice. In Commercial CT, it almost adopts convolution back projection reconstruction algorithm, in which filtering operator play an very important part. The research focus of CT algorithm includes the improvement of CT algorithm to improve the speed of the image reconstruction, and another research mainly focus on the design and implementation of the preprocessing filter, in order to obtain clear-edges, smooth, and low-noise images. From the design and definition of the filter, we analyze its nature, and propose a new filter on this basis. The result of new filter is the desired, which is proved by experiment.%CT重建算法主要包括解析法和迭代法,因为解析法重建速度快,所需数据存储空间较小,所以在实际中的应用更为广泛。在商业CT中,几乎毫无例外地采用卷积反投影重建算法,滤波算子是这一算法中一个非常重要的部分。目前CT重建算法的研究热点—方面是改进算法提高图像重建速度,另一研究内容主要集中在预处理滤波器的设计与实现,以便得到边缘清晰、平滑及噪声较少的图像。本文从滤波器的设计定义出发,分析讨论了它的性质,并在此基础上提出来一种新的滤波器。经过实验验证,新的滤波器取得比较理想的结果。



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