首页> 中文期刊> 《电测与仪表》 >便携式SPD测试仪组合波发生器的仿真与试验




为检测现场用电涌保护器是否损坏、老化,通常要测量直流1mA电压.泄漏电流以及冲击组合波下的SPD动作特性[1].本文通过电路参数计算和EMTP-ATP仿真电路元件对输出波形的影响,得出了波头时间主要由电感决定,波尾时间主要由电容量和放电回路的总等效阻抗决定.并在此基础上研制出最大幅值为6kV/3kA的冲击组合波发生器.现场应用表明,该冲击组合波发生器能有效检测SPD的冲击动作特性和直流1mA电压,可为SPD是否损坏或老化提供准确判据.%Tests should be carried out for on -line SPDs on DC voltage with 1 mA current output, leakage current and operation characteristics under combined impulse wave to verify whether the SPDs are damaged or aged[1]. A combination wave generator with maximum output of 6kV/3kA was designed based on the circuit calculation and sensitivity study of element parameters on output waveforms from EMTP - ATP simulation. It was found that the front time of output waveform was mainly determined by the inductor while the tail time was mainly up to the main capacitance and the equivalent impedance of the discharge circuit branch. The on - site applications show that the combination wave generator is able to measure the operation characteristics effectively, and predicate whether the on -line SPDs are damaged or aged.



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