首页> 中文期刊> 《电焊机》 >智能焊接系统中曲线焊接的程序实现




This article describes a FPGA and MCU coordination controlling the curve of the motor of intelligent welding control system, the control process is that read data of welding system,and complete the data operation processing and data transmission by the MCU. Send pulses by FPGA.relize circuit switch ON and OFF of welding system motor,the system mainly through optimized control algorithms and applications to achieve precise control of the curve can be done,debugging parameters convenience,easy to implement.This article focuses on the data pretreatment.the MCU and FPGA data transfer,how to use the FPGA design custom circuit to implement the control algorithm and program of sending pulse s.Through the production of the prototype verified the feasibility of the proposed method.%介绍了一种用FPGA和MCU协调控制智能焊接系统的电机曲线控制,其控制思想是:由MCU来完成焊接系统的各数据读取、数据运算处理和数据传输等工作,用FPGA发送脉冲实现焊接系统中电机主电路开关管的导通和关断,该系统主要通过优化的控制算法并用程序实现,可以做到曲线的精确控制,调试参数方便,易实现.着重介绍了数据的预处理、MCU和FPGA的数据传送、如何用FPGA设计定制电路来实现发送脉冲的控制算法以及程序的实现.通过样机的制作验证了此方法的可行性.



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