首页> 中文期刊> 《电焊机》 >初学者在埋弧自动焊操作实验中遇到的问题及解决办法




由于埋弧自动焊的焊接质量好、效率高以及操作环境好等特点在工业生产中得到广泛使用.因此该项技术在焊接专业教学中占据重要地位,相应地埋孤焊操作技术成为本科焊接专业实验教学中的一项必修内容.在本科生的埋弧自动焊接实验教学操作训练中,由于学生学习时间短和缺乏操作经验原因,时常会出现引弧不成功现象.在介绍埋弧焊机的工作原理和设备组成基础上,针对本科学生在埋弧焊操作过程中常出现的一些技术问题为讨论对象,从学生对存在问题的认识与理解以及解决问题所获得心得出发,阐述了引弧粘丝、顶丝等导致引孤不成功现象进行了技术问题,提出了问题的解决办法.对于广大同学快速掌握埋孤自动焊操作技术将起到积极作用.%The automatic welding in an arc of welding of good quality and highly efficient production and operating environment for the industry is widely used.so the technology and professional teaching of the important position in an arc in welding operation technique in the teaching profession to be welded in a required item.at the undergraduate student in an arc automatic welding operation in the teaching, because the students study and lack of experience, and the arc is not successful.This article introduced in welding machine of arc in the works and facilities of the basis for the students are welding operation in an arc in the presence of some technical problems to discuss the object from students to know and understand the problem and solve the problem which platform, illustrated, arc down to the top of arc led to such success is not a technical problem and made an answer to the problem.this will be for the students to grasp quickly in an arc automatic welding equipment will exert positive effects.



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