首页> 中文期刊> 《电力科技与环保》 >循环流化床锅炉袋式除尘器改造研究




Bag house application in 2 × 300t/h circulating fluidized bed boiler of lnner Mongolia Erdos Shuang Xin Power Company. The bag houses have the problems of high running resistance and bags broken frequently. These problems have seriously affected the normal operation of the boiler. Through test and numerical simula-tion analysis on the damage causes of bags,gas parameter,structure of dust col ector and flow field distribution problems,We give a scientific and reasonable optimization reformation scheme. Transformation scheme reduces the running resistance of 700Pa,reduce fan energy consumption,meet the requirements of ful load stable opera-tion of boiler. Completely solve the problem of bags broken frequently. The operation cost is saved and achieve economic benefits for the company.%内蒙古鄂尔多斯双欣电力公司2×300 t/h循环流化床锅炉烟气除尘应用袋式除尘器,投运后除尘器一直存在运行阻力偏高、滤袋破损频繁问题,严重影响锅炉负荷。通过试验测试和数值模拟分析,对滤袋破损原因、烟气参数、除尘器结构型式和流场分布问题进行全面研究,提出科学合理的袋式除尘器改造优化方案;改造实施后,降低设备运行阻力700 Pa,降低引风机电耗,实现锅炉满负荷稳定运行,解决了滤袋破损问题,为企业节约运行成本,创造了经济效益。



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