首页> 中文期刊> 《电力自动化设备》 >考虑主磁路饱和的隐极同步电机V形曲线




从隐极同步电机的线性模型分析入手,导出其V形曲线的解析式.利用同步电机空载实验数据通过多项式拟合得到磁化曲线,提出隐极同步电机V形曲线的精确分析法,即基于稳态线性模型而激磁电抗参数随主磁路饱和程度不同而相应变化的分析方法.考虑主磁路饱和的同步电机激磁参数的估计值由最小二乘法参数辨识得到,实验数据与仿真结果基本吻合.仿真结果表明,考虑主磁路饱和后,消除了线性模型下隐极同步电机V形曲线过励时相对密集的现象.%The V-curve of round-rotor synchronous machine is derived based on the analysis of its linear model and its magnetization curve is obtained by the polynomial fitting based on the no-load test data. The method to exactly analyze its V-curve is proposed,i.e. the excitation reactance parameters vary with the main flux saturation degree based on steady-state linear model. The magnetization parameter is estimated by the least-squares parameter identification with the consideration of main flux saturation and the experimental data agree with the simulative results. Because the main flux saturation is taken into account,the V-curve concentration phenomenon of the linear model during over excitation is eliminated.



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